Military & Family Readiness Center

Military & Family Readiness Center

The Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) serves as a one-stop information and referral center for Total Force members. One of our major functions is a linkage, ensuring military personnel and their families are connected with the appropriate services while PCS’d or Deployed. Information and referral is at the heart of everything we do at the M&FRC. We will answer your questions and provide the service you need or we will connect you with other resources if we do not have the answer. When you aren’t sure who to ask, ask the M&FRC.

Voting Assistance Program

Welcome to your Al Udeid Voting Assistance Center! We are here to assist you in all of your voting needs and inquiries regarding voting from our overseas location. Just because we are located thousands of miles from our familiar homeland does not mean that your right to vote in Federal, State and local elections goes away. Your Voting Office is located within the M&FRC. Please visit to obtain a Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Postcard Application, the Federal Write-In Ballot or for more information. We also have these forms in stock in our Voting Assistance Center. We look forward to helping you with all of your voting needs and remember, “It’s a Right You Defend!”

More Info

Voting Assistance Program
Operation Pillowcase & T-Shirt

Operation Pillowcase & T-Shirt

The M&FRC offers personalized pillowcases and T-Shirts to deployed members. Simply email a digital photo to the account and we will notify you when it is ready for pickup.

Limit: 1 Pillowcase/T-Shirt per child/spouse/significant other
Location: Bldg. A6 Room #C104
Contact: DSN: 455.4300
T-Shirts & Pillowcases supplied
Estimated turnaround time: 3-4 days
DD-1172 Form required

DD-1172 Form Instructions

1. Go to ID Card Office Online
Link only accessible on NIPR network

2. Click ‘Continue’ under Family ID Cards

3. Login (CAC-enabled)

4. After the system authenticates, click “OK”

5. At the bottom of the page, click “Print Family Roster”

6. Select all dependents

7. Click “Next”

8. Agree to Terms

9. Click “Next”

10. Click “Confirm”

11. Click “Display Form” was loading completes

12. Save and Email form with requested items to

Welcome to Al Udeid AB!

Welcome to Al Udeid and we are glad you are part of the Deid family! Our team at the Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) is here to provide you with base and stateside resources to help you have a right start at Al Udeid and an easy transition.

Welcome to Al Udeid AB!

Military & Family Life Counselors (MFLC) Ms. Monica Echols

Need help and someone to talk to? Call one of our MFLCs! Services are FREE Video & Telephone Counseling Now Available


Employment Assistance

Employment and career assistance supports Total Force service members, civilians and family members. Assistance is provided in achieving short and long-term employment, by referring for education/training and obtaining career goals. The M&FRC provides employment skills counseling to prepare for portable careers in the private and public sectors. Services also include resources for self-employment, small business, and entrepreneurial efforts.

Individual appointments for resume review are also available.

Military & Family Life Counselor

Contracted professional counselor is available to provide non-medical, short term, situational and problem-solving counseling to Service Members and their families. Services can be provided on or off the military installations, to individuals, couples, families, and groups. MFLCs are mandated reporters of child abuse, domestic abuse, and other duty-to-warn situations. Services are otherwise confidential and private, except for duty-to-warn situations. Please contact the M&FRC office to make an appointment.

Phone Number: 571.490.5442



Personal Financial Readiness

The M&FRC offers information, education, and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families maintain financial readiness and build resiliency. If you would like individualized assistance, our staff of experts is available to assist you on an appointment basis. If you are facing particularly difficult financial problems, individual appointments are recommended. Our staff can assist with establishing a basic budget, managing debit cards/checkbooks, repairing or maintaining credit, buying a car, buying a home, Thrift Savings Plan, Savings Deposit Program and receiving basic investing information.
List of Topics:
Bundles for Babies
Credit & Debt Mangement
Financial Check-up
Home Buying
Investing 101
Money Habitbuilders
Movin’ Out!
Thrift Savings Plan

Helpful Documents

Personal & Family Readiness

The M&FRC offers information, education, and support services to individuals, families, and the community during deployments, contingencies, and emergencies. Personal and Family Readiness programs help families to be self-sufficient if military members are away on deployments or temporary duty. The M&FRC offers briefings and events to support the service members and their families, such as Pre-Deployment Briefings, Reintegration Briefings, and Deployed Family Events.

Personal & Work Life

Personal & Work Life services promote community wellness and assist with the readiness and resiliency of the force across the life cycle. Services include intervention, prevention/enrichment consultation and skills-building designed to enhance work/life competencies for individuals, couples, and families. Focus is on promoting, enriching and improving work/home balance, resulting in increased quality of life and resiliency. Activities will be educational and offered through individual and group settings to meet identified community needs.

Relocation Services

While moving can be stressful, your stress can be drastically reduced if you take full advantage of the many Relocation Assistance Program services and tools available. The M&FRC provides relocation information, education, and skills development for customers. The M&FRC is the place to find answers to all of your relocation questions as well as assistance with in-transit emergencies.

Transitioning Assistance

Transition is not an end-of-service activity. It is a full life-cycle model, emphasizing upon a continuum of career, financial, educational and personal development techniques throughout the course of a military career. The aim of the Transition Assistance Program is to make the transition a well-planned, organized and thoughtful progression that empowers Service members to make informed career decisions, be competitive in a global workforce and become positive contributors to their communities. M&FRC offers Pre-Separation Counseling, TAP Seminars, resume and interviewing assistance, Boots to Business, assistance to access higher education, and career exploration and planning.

Voter Assistance Program

Welcome to your Al Udeid Voting Assistance Center! We are here to assist you in all of your voting needs and inquiries regarding voting from our overseas location. Just because we are located thousands of miles from our familiar homeland does not mean that your right to vote in Federal, State and local elections goes away. Your Voting Office is located within the M&FRC. Please visit to obtain a Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Postcard Application, the Federal Write-In Ballot or for more information. We also have these forms in stock in our Voting Assistance Center. We look forward to helping you with all of your voting needs and remember, “It’s a Right You Defend!”

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