Daily 24/7


The 379th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron PERSCO Team is here to support the joint forces of Al Udeid Air Base through 24/7 operational support. Your PERSCO Team is responsible for Total Force Accountability, Casualty Reporting, Inbound and Outbound operations, DEERS and CAC support, Retention and Emergency Leave actions. PERSCO has limited capabilities in the deployed environment, but will always work with your home station MPF to assist with your personnel related inquiries.

PERSCO Customer Service: DSN: 318-455-5272

Reception Center (ID Cards): DSN: 318-455-5277

Org Box Email: 379emsg.persco@us.af.mil




Leaving AUAB

​​379th AEW ​out-processing checklists can be found here (link only accessible on NIPR Network)​ or on the 379 AEW SharePoint on the lower right hand side labeled “Out processing”. PERSCO out-processing procedures consist of the following:​

  1. Validating you have​ properly checked out of lodging an​d obtained a lodging stamp​ on your travel orders
  2. Having the required documents to e​migrate​ out of the country (see below)​

Departing Via Mil-Air
You must check your luggage BEFORE arriving to the PERSCO departure building. Checked baggage must be checked in at the PAX terminal between 24-14 hours prior to your flight.

During Pivots (15 MAR – 15 MAY & 15 SEPT – 15 NOV):

Members must arrive to the passenger terminal for baggage drop-off during their designated chalk window based off of the first letter of their last name.

A-G: 24-22 hours prior to departure

H-O: 21-19 hours prior to departure

P-Z: 18-16 hours prior to departure

You are then required to check in with PERSCO at the HNCC departure building between 5-4 hours prior to your flight.

We will collect your CAC and give it to HNCC to be processed out of the country. Your ID will not be returned until it is time for you to board the rotator.

Once you turn in your CAC, you are not authorized to leave the immediate area of PERSCO departure building until you are escorted to the 8 EAMS departure terminal before boarding your flight.

Per USAFCENTI 36-2903_AUABSUP 16 Feb 2022: (link only accessible on NIPR Network) (pending final approval)

4.1. Military Air Travel Uniform Policy. Air Force personnel transiting to/from AUAB will be in the uniform of the day (UOD).” (See 4.1.1. for exceptions)

Required Documents For Persco:

  1. CAC
  2. PERSCO/HNCC blue stamped order or other blue stamped
  3. Boarding Pass (issued by the PAX terminal after your check your luggage)
  4. Passport (Contractors only)

Departing Via Comm-Air
You may out-process with PERSCO/HNCC no more than 24 hours in advance of your flight.

Required Documents for Persco:

  1. CAC
  2. PERSCO/HNCC blue stamped order/document
  3. Commercial Flight Itinerary
  4. DD Form 1610 , TDY Authorization (for those going TDY)
  5. Approved Leave Authorization Form (for those going on leave)

For inquires about flight check-in and scheduled departure times please visit the Passenger Terminal ​SSOT (link only accessible on NIPR Network)

Traveling to AUAB?

Arriving Via Mil-Air
Please be aware that in-processing may take up to 4 ½ hours as all baggage must be removed from the plane, all members must in-process through PERSCO, and all members must immigrate into the country at the Host Nation Coordination Cell

Upon being escorted to the PERSCO Reception Control Center (RCC), you will require the following items:

Required Documents​:

  1. CAC
  2. Orders or other Travel Authorization Document:
    AF Form 988 for Air Force members on leave
    AF Form 899 for Air Force members PCSing
    DD Form 1610 for members returning from TDY
  3. Passport (Contractors only)

​All arrivals will be required to fill out the accountability worksheet​ (link only accessible on NIPR Network)​ upon arrival to the RCC no matter what your travel is status is.
The process of immigrating into the country goes through 3 agencies:

  2. Host Nation Coordination Cell
  3. Qatari Immigration Officers

Arriving Via Comm-Air

Go to the PERSCO Customer Service desk (Bldg. 3371), as soon as you arrive to AUAB.

Required Documents​:

  1. CAC
  2. Orders or other acceptable Travel Authorization Document:
    AF Form 988 for Air Force members on leave
    AF Form 899 for Air Force members PCSing​
    DD Form 1610 for members returning from TDY
  3. Flight Itinerary
  4. Passport (Contractors)

For the most up-to-date requirements on commercial travel to Qatar, click here —> Hamad International Airport

Anytime you arrive in country, you must in-process with PERSCO no matter your status.

DEERS/ID Card Services


Book your apointment online NOW


Closed every Sunday 0600-1600 for software updates and maintenance


Help your wingman out and print this memo for them: Lost/Stolen ID Memo​
Bring it to PERSCO Customer Service, Bldg. 3371 (departures terminal) along with two forms of acceptable identification to obtain a new CAC.

​I can’t access my old emails after obtaining a new CAC!
Click on the links below to find out how to retrieve your old certs:

  1. Instructions for how to retrieve old certificates
  2. Automatic Recovery Key website for retrieving old certificates (link only accessible on NIPR Network)

Frequently Asked Questions

Did you lose your blue​ stamp order? No Worries!

​Bring in another copy of orders AND your boarding pass/itinerary confirming the date you arrived in country.

A PERSCO Customer Service rep in Bldg. 3371 (Arrivals/Departures terminal Ops Town) will validate your arrival date and stamp another order for you. ​​

What awards do I get for my deployment to AUAB?

Basic eligible awards include:

  • Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
  • Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon
  • Armed Forces Reserve Medal w/M (involuntarily mobilized)

Click here for a list of awards based on operation name.

**PERSCO does not have the capability to update awards or decorations for deployed members or permanent party members**

How do I get my personnel record updated?


Are you a JET/IA deployer? Click the image for​​ all the required documents, POC and other important information you’ll need to know about your tasking.

NOTE: PERSCO does not manage this program, please contact the POCs listed in the information in this link.

Special Leave Accrual (SLA)

SLA is for Airmen and Guardians deployed in support of contingency operations for 120 continuous days or assigned to locations approved as “qualifying duty” by SAF and are faced with circumstances that prohibit them from taking leave.

NOTE: Deployed Airmen or Guardian will contact their PERSCO team who will initiate CMS case inputting the Service Members arrival date and certify that the member has completed 120 consecutive days. PERSCO team then forwards the CMS case to the Service Members home station for action.

Frequently Asked Questions


​​Unfortunately PERSCO does not have the capability to perform record updates, as we do not have access to your MILPDS records, however we will provide guidance for any personnel program related inquires you may have.

For record updates, you will need to reach back to your home station CSS or MPF.

​Permanent Party

​​​​​​For record​ updates and specific AUAB personnel processes, please contact the AFFOR CSS Office​ (link only accessible on NIPR Network). ​​​​​

Can I wear this at AUAB​?

Check out AUABI 36-2903 Supplement for Dress and Appearance (link only accessible on NIPR Network)

EMERGENCY LEAVE REQUESTS (link only accessible on NIPR Network):
This process should start in your organization with your supervisor and First Sergeant.

In addition to the required documents needed to depart the country, PERSCO will also require the following:

  • An official Red Cross notification
  • AF ​972, Request and Authorization for Emergency Leave Travel




Outbound Processing

Casualty Reporting

Emergency Leave

Total Force Accountability

Inbound processing

Personnel Data Reporting