Daily 24/7


Lodging is your check-in hub once your boots hit the ground at Al Udeid AB. Whether you are passing through or here for deployment, our Lodging Team will deliver great customer service during your time here.

HVAC Advisory

If you feel the temperature in your room is excessively high (>78 degrees), and it is impacting your rest, there is an option to be temporarily relocated in the Double Stacks (transient) until your room issue is resolved.

To submit a work order and request temporary lodging, contact:

Lodging Customer Service at 455-7665


Lodging Front Desk at 455-5741 / 5060 

– EFSS Lodging Management

Dorm Community Standards

* Violation of lodging policies and instructions, including abuse or damage of government property, will result in Commander’s notification and possible financial responsibility.

All AUAB Lodging Occupants will:

  1. Observe 24/7 quiet hours.
  2. Upon occupancy ofroom, locator card(s) must be completely filled out and placed in the window. Occupants residing in Quads must utilize 2 locator cards; one placed on their individual room door and one on the window or the exterior door to the common areas.
  3. Occupants are responsible for updating locator card(s) information as necessary. Unit-specific locator cards are authorized; however, all the information must be on the unit’s locator card
  4. Maintain clean, safe, and sanitary rooms that present a neat, professional, and orderly appearance. Occupants will not leave personal garbage in hallways, day rooms, laundry rooms, common areas, or bathrooms and will dispose of garbage in outside dumpsters. 
  5. Not cohabitate or sleep in any room other than the one to which they are assigned. While guests are allowed, when hosting a guest, occupants are responsible for their guests’ conduct and must respect their roommate’s and/or suitemate’s privacy. All roommates/suitemates must consent prior to hosting a guest in the room, including the common area in the room.
  6. Maintain all furniture assigned in their room. Occupants will notify Lodging Maintenance if there is excess furniture in a room. Occupants will not remove furniture from their assigned room. A standard set up for rooms includes, at a minimum, 2 bed spaces for max surge occupancy and a dresser, armoire, or wall locker. 
  7. Refrain from entering or storing items in electrical, mechanical, or communications rooms and will not access the building roof at any time.
  8. Adhere to dress code policy IAW AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel and United States Air Forces Central Instruction (USAFCENTI), 36-2903 Al Udeid Air Base (AUAB) Supplement, Dress and Appearance for Air Force Personnel while in common areas and walking to and from community bathrooms.
  9. Refrain from facility modifications that may damage walls, doors, or windows, such as affixing shelves, hanging picture frames, flying exterior flags, mounting antennas, or landscaping. Non-permanent adhesive items can be used to secure items.
  10. When covering their respective windows, use materials that present a neat appearance, are easily removable, and do not damage windows.
  11. Allow 379 ECES and 379 EFSS maintenance staff to perform all required facility maintenance in accordance with crew rest and shift worker considerations.
  12. Request room changes after coordinating with their unit First Sergeant/UQR, if necessary. UQR must coordinate with Lodging Management prior to the relocation of the occupant.


  • Key Accountability is critical for the safety of our members and their roommates/suitemates. Keys are accountable items to lodging facilities. Lost keys must be reported to the lodging front desk immediately. Members are responsible for the costs ($25) associated with replacing the lost key. For safety purposes, room doors must remain locked and secured after leaving the room.

Lodging Work Order Request

For work order requests, BPC dorm/double stack residence will notify Lodging Customer Service via email or DSN below to report building discrepancies to be submitted to ECES.

Work Order Requests: 

📧E-MAIL: lodging.customerserv@us.af.mil

DSN: 455-7665 

  • Customers will provide the following information:

Point of contact information: First/Last Name/rank, email and DSN telephone number.

Building Information: Bldg. number, bay, and room number.

Work order request: Give a detailed description of the building issue. Be as specific as possible. What is the issue, how did it happen. How long has it been going on. Pictures/videos are encouraged. See examples of detail information below:

*Plumbing: is it clogged, is there water overflowing, is it flooding other areas, is there a constant stream of water, is water coming out of floor drains, is there water outage, is a handle broken to turn off sink/shower faucet/toilet flush, etc. 

*HVAC: is there an outage, is there air flow, is the air too warm, what is the temperature on your thermometer, can you record the temperature if there’s no thermometer to check, is it just one room, is it all rooms, is it room and bay, etc.

*Electrical: is there an outage, is it whole building, is it a bay, a floor or just one room, it is an outlet outage, have you checked the breaker box to ensure all the breakers are in the on position, did the fire alarm go off, do you smell an electrical burn, did you plug anything in to cause the outage, etc.

  • Work orders submitted to NexGen – Tririga will generate a work task number that will be provided to the customer within 24 hours. 
  • Follow up for work task can be done via email lodging.customerserv@us.af.mil to lodging customer service, via DSN 455-7665 or via Facility Manager’s Corner (on Single Source of Truth)

How to check work task updates in Facility Manager’s Corner

Facility Manager WT Update Report.xlsx (af.mil)  NIPR ACCESS ONLY

1. Copy and paste the link above into your browser to access the link.

2. Click on “Edit in Excel” when the online Excel doc opens.

72-Hour Laundry Service

The 72-hour laundry service, located in A6, operates 24/7 with a three-day turnaround time.

Service members are reminded to remove ID cards, line badges, paperwork, and other items from their garments prior to turning in laundry to maintain operational security.

Uniforms, collared shirts, and pants will be returned pressed, eliminating the need for irons.

To reserve rooms please download the instructions and reservation forms at the button below and email them to Lodging at the email address below:
379 EFSS/Lodgingreservations 379efss.lodgingreservations@us.af.mil


Our goal to ensure that your stay is the very best it can be. We aim to ensure that you have the best accommodations, service, and convenience during your time with us. We offer many amenities including:

  • Dayrooms
  • Self-Service Laundry Facilities

  • Smoke Free Facilities
  • Internet Access
  • 72-Hour Laundry Service



The following are prohibited in the dorms:

  • Flushing wipes of any kind down the toilet
  • Candles / Incense
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Throwing away linen
  • Putting items in storage/common areas
  • Utilizing spare rooms/ common areas as storage space